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The Clue That Gives You The Clue

18 Jun

…or perhaps that should be “The Clue That Gives You The CUE”.

     I was just at lunch at a local eatery (family-owned Ole Time Barbeque) where they treat you like family in all the best ways.  Along with a relaxing break from the studio and some great banana puddin’ I got a quick example of how to be a better voice talent/audio producer.

     Overheard at the table behind me was the friendly voice of the waitress:  “Need some more tea?  I heard that sound.”

     What she had heard…and I hadn’t even noticed…was the rattle the ice makes in a drained glass as it is lowered back to the table.  Maybe she couldn’t tell just by listening where the cue came from, but it put her other faculties automatically at work to locate the need and supply the solution.  She was probably there before the customer even finished thinking whether he even  wanted a refill or not.

     So now I’m thinking about things I do in my own job which pick up on these “clues to the cues”.  It might be sensing where a read could be sped up when I know we’re over time.  It might be knowing a friendly, deserving client could use a break with a last-second rewrite that makes no sense (they have to be friendly and deserving…I don’t just give out my copywriting “gems”, nor does everyone consider it a favor when I do!). 

     But what else could I be automatically on the lookout/listenout for?

     What clues could you better be atuned to in order to make a client’s time spent with you more of a pleasure?

     Me?  I’m thinking about learning to make good banana puddin’.

— over and out —